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I-diet is a medical company but, with a twist. We don’t provide medicines or pills, nor do we provide consultation about your physical or mental health. What we provide is the diagnosis for a very specific disease called, “Digital Information Overload Symptom” or DIOD.

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Company History

Our company was founded by our I-nutritionists and I-scientists in the year 2024. Back in that year, that is before we became I- scientists and I-nutritionists, we were known by the names I-Ash, I- Jason, I-Jiwon, I-Chen, I-Anna.


During our journey together, we noticed that most of us were losing out on our sleep as we would keep scrolling on our phones. We would hate the idea of socialising with others and hate all the activities that would stop us from scrolling. We had almost become scroll-maniacs. That's when we took a step back and wondered if others were facing this too. We conducted severe research and product testing to identify our problem and make our diagnosis bulletproof. Now, after 3 years we are ready to launch this company and help people.



Information Overload is a disease in which a person is fed with intense information that is more than their processing capacity. The main culprit of this disease is “digitization”. Huge volumes of information are being constantly created due to the simplicity of creating, duplicating and sharing of information today.


This disease mainly affects our cognitive abilities. Nowadays, our brains and minds are filled with a lot of unnecessary information, thus making it difficult to focus on the necessary bits. This then reduces our productivity and attention span. Secondly, while making important decisions, our brain needs access to very specific information, but information overload acts as a barrier thus restricting us from making those decisions. This posed a barrier to necessary information making us more susceptible to various mental problems like depression, anxiety and psychosis. 


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